Bug #12430 2007-11-14 11:17


When closing a project and when try to load a project

I worked on a project in Code::Blocks yesterday(nightly build, about 4570) and i saved my whole project. Tomorrow i try to open that project and the whole CB crashed. I try again nothing happens. Now i downloaded CB nightly 4596 i open another one project and try to save it. CB crashed again. Fortunately after rerun CB the project seems unharmed. I didnt edit *.cbp files by hand, or any other files out of the editor and i think i did nothing extreme.

Thank you.

Close date
2008-01-10 11:28
Assigned to
mandrav 2007-11-15 12:55

Sorry, can't reproduce with this little info.

Operating system?

szurilo 2007-11-16 12:42

Sry, its a windows XP. sp2

mandrav 2008-01-10 11:28

Try disabling the code-completion plugin.

If you have any helpful info, re-open this bug report.

Closing for lack of info.