Bug #12281 2007-10-26 07:07


Small path configuration error

When you start for the first time C:B, or after having deleting default.conf file to reset it, C::B tries to detect and set compiler(s).

For example, it finds gcc in c:\mingw\bin. That's ok.

If you look in the other path settings in "Search directories" in the Global compiler setting, it's empty. If you click on auto detection, everythings look's OK : no changes.

If now you stop and restart C::B and look at this "Search directories", you can see :

c:\mingw\bin\include for Compiler

c:\mingw\bin\lib for Linker

c:\mingw\bin\include for Resource compiler.

This is not correct. The sub path \bin must not be there.

If you delete this \bin and make a new "auto-detection", everything is ok, even after restarting C::B.

So this configuration bug is only for the first time you start C::B, when defaut.conf has not been set.


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gd_on 2014-01-09 14:14

I think this bug has been solved for a long time now.

I don't kow how to mark it as solved.
