Bug #11631 2007-07-25 16:04


Editor not updating properly

If I update a file outside of Codeblocks, while the file is open in the editor, and return focus to Codeblocks, the editor doesn't ask if I would like to reload the file.

However, even though the editor isn't asking to update it, the compiler does see that the file is changed, so hitting build compiles with the changes. Closing the file in the editor, and re-opening it shows the changes.

This happens on XP, SP2 with revision, 4311. This behaviour doesn't appear in Linux.

Close date
2007-07-25 16:18
Assigned to
joldfather 2007-07-25 16:11

Disregard. Following a suggestion on the forums to restart Codeblocks, I cannot duplicate this.

biplab 2007-07-25 16:18

Closed on user request.