Bug #11536 2007-07-11 05:36


Same tokens in different projects, missing

Here's a tricky one. Copy one project - any project - to a different directory. Open both the original and the cloned project in Code::Blocks.

Switch to the symbols tab. Only one project displays the tokens when choosing "Active Project's symbols". If I close one of the open projects (depending on which one was parsed first), the symbols don't appear either. I have to close C::B and open that project for the symbols to appear.

I think this bug appeared after changing from "one parser per project", to "one parser per workspace": The parser thinks they're duplicate tokens, and functionally they are, but they refer to completely different files.

This case hadn't been accounted for when CC. had been designed. I don't think this could (or should) be fixed in the short term due to the 1.0 deadline. Perhaps we might need to discuss an appropriate solution in the forums.

Close date
2010-10-16 01:34
Assigned to
mandrav 2007-07-11 11:16

Although you 're right in what you 're saying, it will not be fixed. This "limitation" is a chosen one, i.e. it was taken into account when designing the thing.

Your example is something that I doubt would ever happen to anyone in a real-world application/workspace.

Hence I am not closing this but leaving it for future reference. Just don't expect any work on it for the foreseeable future.

rickg22 2007-07-11 18:12

Alright then. By the way, a possible (looooong-term) solution would be to include project id's in the parser, and keep the file-id's in an std::map of projects for each token.this way, we could, for example switch to the declaration / implementation and navigate to different files according to the currently opened project. But then again, it's a long-term idea, possibly implemented in the next major version of CC.

loaden 2010-10-16 01:34

This bug has been already fixed in HEAD.

Thank you.