Bug #11463 2007-06-26 23:05


Keyboard shortcuts messing up

Plugin: Keyboard shortcuts 1.0.38 2007/06/15

Version: Official 2007-06-26 nightly (rev 4185) .deb

OS: Linux Ubuntu 7.04

When editing my keyboard shortcuts, all seems ok. I'm aiming for a Visual Studio-like configuration (i.e. F7 builds, F9 for breakpoints, etc.). However, when I restart Code::Blocks, the default shortcuts re-appear, kicking out my new ones. So, for example, F7 goes back to "Next line", and is eventually removed from "Build" (which is then left without shortcut).

The problem seems to occur when the menus are opened. It seems a bit chaotic (I can't understand exactly when what appears and disappears), but it's very easy to reproduce.

Close date
2007-07-30 21:54
Assigned to
xmoby 2007-07-08 17:04

This problem only seems to happen with Debug menu shortcuts. Those are the only shortcuts that are restored to their default values on Code::Blocks restart. Also, if commands in other menus were using the shortcuts that are associated with Debug commands by default, those other commands completely lose their shortcuts (since they are put back on their default commands).

pecan 2007-07-27 16:30

I am unable to reproduce this.

I've changed the debug menu keys and restarted many times and they're still there.

Can you give me exact steps on how to reproduce this?

xmoby 2007-07-27 16:43

OK, I found what seems to be a constant way to reproduce this:

- Open Code::Blocks.

- Open a projet.

- Set the debug keyboard shortcuts (Menu Settings->Editor->Keyboard shortcuts), then [OK].

- Close Code::Blocks.

- Open Code::Blocks.

- Open the Debug menu: the shortcuts will be put back at their original state.

It's also worth mentionning that any "commit" to the editor settings while a projet is open seems to reset the debug keyboard shortcuts.

pecan 2007-07-30 21:54

fixed SVN 4338