Bug #11425 2007-06-20 13:28


Project Compiler settings don't save

I have been having an issue for quite awhile with the project settings not being saved properly.

I am using a custom compiler profile derived off of the gnu gcc compiler. For my compiler I do not want to include the -l option when linking libraries. So every time I open codeblocks i go to Settings-Compiler and debugger->Other Settings->Advanced Options->Others. and remove the "-l" under Link Library. This allows me to compile and properly link all objects and libraries. The problem is that this setting is not saved and every time I restart codeblocks I have to go through this sequence.

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mortenmacfly 2007-06-27 20:08

Pinpointed the issue to compiler.cpp in:

void Compiler::SaveSettings(const wxString& baseKey)

The line:

cfg->Write(tmp + _T("/switches/includes"), m_Switches.includeDirs, true);

means: Do not write if empty. Thus "empty" isn't written explicitly and on next startup the default ("-") is applied.

Workaround: Enter a blank space in the text box.

Need to talk back o the other devs if this behaviour is by design.