Bug #11295 2007-06-11 12:22


Drag&Drop f files only works on the start screen

When opening Code::Blocks, I can only drag the source files onto the start screen, after which the dropped file is being highlighted.

IMHO you should be able just to drag new files directly into the editor, or at least to the tabs area, without having to switch back to the startcreen every time.

current version:

1.0_pre20070511 (Gentoo) on x86 with XFCE desktop environment

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killerbot 2007-06-25 19:47

this is by design, however you can drag and drop the files to either :

- some free space on the menu

- some free space on the toolbars

- some free space in the project manager tree

- some free space in the open files tree

- some free space in the Messages panel

black_jack 2007-07-07 17:00

Hm, OK.

Good to know ... :-)