Bug #11014 2007-05-07 21:53


standard resource-compiler search-dir

For example:

There is a project: "./project.cbp"

and a resource-file: "./res/file.rc"

If I import such a project from a MSVC project there is no resource-search dir "res" setted in the build-options. And that is why file.rc is not compilable.

Ok, I set the dir myself in the resource-compiler search-dirs as "res".

But this string results in a syntax-invalid call of windres. it is described in <http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php?topic=5848.new;topicseen>

Include dirs of windres are setted like this "winres -Ires". winres can not handle "-Ires" and throw an error.

I changed "res" to "./res" in the resource-compiler search-dirs and it worked nice because the option is now "-I./res".

1. This winres-bug should be handled by code::blocks.

2. The reason that the resource-compiler search-dir is lost while import is, that there is no explicit setted dir in a MSVC-project.

The directory where the rc-file is located should be set as an include dir automaticly. Not while the import! It should be set automaticly while compile-time, so that there is no need to set it explicit in the resource-compiler search-dirs.

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moonkid 2007-05-08 10:11

Another (and as I think smarter) solution whould be that the working-dir of the resource-compiler shouldn't be the project-working dir. The resource-compiler-working-dir should be the location of the resource-file!