Bug #10886 2007-04-14 12:37


Find or Replace can get stuck at EOF for certain regexes

Reported by user poobah:


If doing a replace search, and you're searching for the end of line and replacing it with something else, it just keeps replacing it, creating a new line after it and then replacing that new line, resulting in an infinite loop if choosing to replace all:

(Make sure to save your work before doing this!)

Text to search for: $

Replace with: ;

Regular expression: True

(Click replace)

(Click all)


a similar problem also affects Regex Find, Find in Files and Replace in Files. I have a patch almost ready and will submit soon. The problem appears to be caused by successful regex searches that return 0 length. The solution is to set the current search position to -1 if the search position is already at the end of the scope.

Close date
2007-05-21 13:25
Assigned to
dmoore 2007-04-15 15:35

patch submitted.

biplab 2007-05-21 13:25

Patch applied.