Bug #10754 2007-03-27 12:28


Hangs while selecting code under certain conditions

CB: current nightly, OS: Ubuntu Linux 7.04

While selecting text, CB sometimes hangs. At this moment cursor looks like a plus sign in the left-upper corner (always this cursor)




this also hangs gnome environment - I can't click on other tasks, etc. After I switch to console and kill codeblocks manually, everything is fine again.

Potentially could be a wx bug.

This bug is pretty hard to recreate, but it shows up once in two weeks or so. I've been using CB for at least half a year, and as far as I can remember it has been always this way.

Close date
2007-03-28 08:05
Assigned to
mandrav 2007-03-28 08:05

This is a known issue in linux/wx2.6. It is supposedly fixed in wx2.8.