Bug #10679 2007-03-19 23:19


Sometimes no possibility to change item ID

Sometimes it is not possible for me to change the ID of an item. After reopen the specific property dialog the ID always reverted to the default value, for example ID_TOOLBARITEM1. I noticed that this can happen, when you choose an ID which already exists, but this is not the case, when I have that problem. The only solution for me is to edit the wxs-file manually. Unfortunately I cannot se a rule, when it happens.

Close date
2008-01-21 22:36
Assigned to
anwender4711 2007-03-23 23:13

I detected now a way to reproduce the problem:

- create a new wxDialog

- set the title of the dialog

- add a wxBoxSizer

- change the variable name

- change the orientation to wxVERTICAL

- add a wxTextCtrl

- change the variable name

- try to change the identifier, but it is not possible

I don't know, if all these steps are neccessary, but if you can reproduce this problem in the same way, you have an approach to solve the problem

byo 2007-11-12 22:17

Couldn't reproduce this bug.

Note that wxPropertyGrid sometimes require enter to apply property changes. Also id must be valid c++ identifier and have to be unique inside one resource or it must be one of wxWidgets predefined ids or integer value.

Could you check if this bug still persists ?


anwender4711 2008-01-13 17:09

Now I can't reproduce, too. So I think the problem is solved and you can close this bug report.


Sorry, for the late answer, but I don't check the mail account I#m using for my BerliOS account on a regular basis.