Bug #10645 2007-03-15 13:47


qt wizard: cannot specify QT path

On debian unstable, amd64, using code::boocks from SVN, rev 3696

I picked New from template -> QT4 project

On second wizard page, it asked about location of trolltech Qt4:

On debian, the headers are installed in /usr/include/qt4, libraries in /usr/lib

When I enter "/usr" in the "Qt's location" I got error about being unable to locate include file "QApplication"

When I enter "/usr/include/qt4", i got error about "path valid, but wizard cannot locate include directory"

Wizard says that the directory should contain "include" and "lib" subdirectories.

I think these two should be specifiable separately (qt's include and qt's lib directory), otherwise on some syustems it can't work.

Close date
2007-03-23 13:40
Assigned to
biplab 2007-03-16 13:45

Will look into this.

tocol 2007-03-22 16:20

I had the same problem on gentoo with the Irrlicht wizard



A simple workaround is to create a "virtual" root directory and symlink the adequate directories...

I think this is a general problem of the wizards on systems, which have no root directory for packages like irrlicht, qt (I'm not sure but I think this also applies to ogre, wxWidgets, ...).

So the wizards should not ask for a root directory but for the library path and the header path.

biplab 2007-03-22 17:10

Yes, you're right. This problem will affect other wizards, too.

The main problem is, $(#qt.include) is supposed to give include directory and it is being used in the wizards. But in all the platforms it returns $(#qt)/include which for Linux should be $(#qt)/include/qt or so.

I've already prepared a fix but I could not test it as I had to leave my lab. Expect the fix by tomorrow.

I've already working on your bug report and once this fix is applied, it should fix this general problem.

tocol 2007-03-22 17:28

That sounds pretty good :)

Looking forward to your patch

Thanks a lot

biplab 2007-03-23 08:32

This bug has been fixed and now in Head.

In your case, use *qt4* global compiler variable (gcv) to specify Qt path (Just specify $(#qt4) as the location) and set the *base* path of gcv to /usr when a window pops up asking you to fill Global Compiler Variable details. C::B will do the rest for you.

Thanks for posting the bug.

biplab 2007-03-23 11:13

The fix broke some other part. So I'm reopening the bug report.

Sorry for this.

biplab 2007-03-23 13:40

This bug is now fixed in HEAD.

Thank you for reporting it.