Bug #10534 2007-03-01 21:14


virtual folders recreation

Demonstration of the bug (better than a long paragraph):

- open a project

- create a virtual folder ("foobar")

- move a file from a *sub* folder to "foobar" (eg "examples/demo/demo.cxx" to "foobar/demo.cxx")

- remove virtual folder

- add "examples/demo/demo.cxx" back to project.

virtual folder "foobar" is recreated.

I can only reproduce this when moving a file from a folder with at least a depth of 2 ("example/demo/"), this behavior doesn't happen with a depth of 1.

Close date
2007-04-05 14:23
Assigned to
julienlecomte 2007-03-01 21:16

ps: using latest nightly build built from svn with patched wxWidgets.

biplab 2007-04-05 14:22

Sorry, but I can't reproduce. Any additional information? Does it

still persist?

biplab 2007-04-05 14:23

Please try with a nightly build and reopen this bug report, if


See http://forums.codeblocks.org/index.php/board,20.0.html

julienlecomte 2007-04-05 14:49

Seems like it has been fixed between day of report with svn 3656 (2007-03-01) and day of retesting with svn 3812 (2007-04-05).

Works for me with 3812.