Bug #10510 2007-02-27 17:55


not all keyboard shortcuts get saved

when changing for example the shortcut for "Search > Goto function..." it get's overwritten after a couple of restarts.

what i do is removing the default shortcut and adding "Alt+M". after an immediate restart it's still there, but after using C::B for a couple of months now on a daily basis, i couldn't get it to save that Alt+M while most other shortcuts are no problem.

Close date
2007-05-10 19:29
Assigned to
pecan 2007-03-14 19:44

Could you paste your ~/.codeblocks/cbKeyBinder10.ini file here so I can use it for testing.

jascha 2007-03-14 19:56
last tested with SVN revision 3681 on windows xp.
here is the cbKeyBinder10.ini:

desc=Our primary keyprofile
bind1035-type4660=Build|Build current project|F7|
bind1039-type4660=Build options|Set the project's build options|
bind1042-type4660=Compile current file|Compile current file|
bind1044-type4660=Rebuild|Rebuild current project|Shift-F7|
bind1047-type4660=Build workspace|Build all projects in workspace|
bind1048-type4660=Rebuild workspace|Rebuild all projects in workspace|
bind1049-type4660=Clean|Clean current project|Ctrl-F7|
bind1050-type4660=Clean workspace|Clean current project (dependencies too)|
bind1053-type4660=Build and run|Build and run current project|F5|
bind1054-type4660=Run|Run current project|Shift-F5|
bind1055-type4660=Abort|Abort the running build process|
bind1056-type4660=Select target...||
bind1057-type4660=Next error|Go to next compilation error|Alt-F2|
bind1058-type4660=Previous error|Go to previous compilation error|Alt-F1|
bind1059-type4660=Clear all errors|Clear all compilation errors|
bind1060-type4660=Export Makefile|Export Makefile so that you can build the program from the command line|
bind1105-type4660=Start|Run current project in debugger|
bind1106-type4660=Run to cursor|Run program until it reaches the current line|F4|
bind1107-type4660=Next line|Execute the next line of code|
bind1108-type4660=Step into|Execute the next line of code, but step inside functions|
bind1109-type4660=Next instruction|Execute the next assembly instruction|Alt-F7|
bind1110-type4660=Step out|Continue execution until the current frame exits|Ctrl-Shift-F7|
bind1111-type4660=Stop debugger|Stop current debugging session|
bind1112-type4660=Continue|Continue execution until next breakpoint or program exits|
bind1113-type4660=Toggle breakpoint|Toggle breakpoint in current line|
bind1114-type4660=Send user command to debugger|Sends a user-defined command to the debugger|
bind1115-type4660=Add symbol file|Adds symbols from another file|
bind1116-type4660=Disassembly|Disassembles the current stack frame|
bind1117-type4660=CPU Registers|Display the CPU registers|
bind1118-type4660=Watches|Watch variables|
bind1119-type4660=Call stack|Displays the current call stack|
bind1120-type4660=Running threads|Displays the currently running threads and allows switching between them|
bind1121-type4660=Examine memory|Displays the contents of a memory location|
bind1122-type4660=Breakpoints|Edit breakpoints|
bind1123-type4660=Edit watches...|Edit watches|
bind1124-type4660=Attach to process...|Attach to an external running process|
bind1125-type4660=Detach|Detach from running process|
bind1128-type4660=Current stack frame|Displays info about the current (selected) stack frame|
bind1129-type4660=Loaded libraries|List dynamically loaded libraries (DLL/SO)|
bind1130-type4660=Targets and files|Displays info on the targets and files being debugged|
bind1131-type4660=FPU status|Displays the status of the floating point unit|
bind1132-type4660=Signal handling|Displays how the debugger handles various signals|
bind1174-type4660=As HTML...|Exports the current file to HTML|
bind1175-type4660=As RTF...|Exports the current file to RTF|
bind1176-type4660=As ODT...|Exports the current file to ODT|
bind1177-type4660=As PDF...|Exports the current file to PDF|
bind121-type4660=Configure tools...|Add/remove user-defined tools|
bind1230-type4660=To-Do list|Toggle displaying the To-Do list|
bind1433-type4660=Configure wxSmith for current project||
bind1436-type4660=Source code formatter (AStyle)||
bind1437-type4660=Autosave|Build target 'Autosave' in current project|
bind1439-type4660=BYO Games||
bind1441-type4660=Koders query||
bind1443-type4660=Class wizard|Build target 'Class wizard' in current project|
bind1451-type4660=Code completion||
bind1454-type4660=Code statistics||
bind1587-type4660=Copy Strings to clipboard||
bind1598-type4660=Debugging windows||
bind1601-type4660=Files extension handler||
bind1603-type4660=Dev-C++ DevPak updater/installer||
bind1605-type4660=Environment variables||
bind1606-type4660=Source Exporter||
bind1607-type4660=Help plugin||
bind1608-type4660=Keyboard shortcuts||
bind1610-type4660=Library finder||
bind1612-type4660=Code profiler||
bind1614-type4660=Regular expressions testbed||
bind1615-type4660=Scripted wizard||
bind1617-type4660=Symbol Table Plugin||
bind1618-type4660=To-Do List||
bind1619-type4660=wxSmith - MIME plugin||
bind1625-type4660=Windows XP Look'n'Feel||
bind1626-type4660=Code::Blocks default|Switch to Code::Blocks default layout|
bind188-type4660=Add files...|Add files to the project|
bind189-type4660=Add files recursively...|Add files recursively to the project|
bind192-type4660=Remove files...|Remove files from the project|
bind196-type4660=Properties|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Properties"|
bind199-type4660=Goto file...||Alt-G|
bind200-type4660=Set programs' arguments...|Set execution parameters for the targets of this project|
bind201-type4660=Categorize by file types||
bind202-type4660=Display folders as on disk||
bind204-type4660=Activate next project|Activate next project in open projects list|Alt-F6|
bind205-type4660=Activate prior project|Activate prior project in open projects list|Alt-F5|
bind206-type4660=Project tree||
bind207-type4660=Move project up|Move project up in project tree|Ctrl-Shift-UP|
bind208-type4660=Move project down|Move project down in project tree|Ctrl-Shift-DOWN|
bind5013-type4660=About...|About Code::Blocks|
bind696-type4660=New|Create a new project/file/target/other (wizard)|
bind697-type4660=Empty file|Quickly create a new empty file|Ctrl-Shift-N|
bind698-type4660=Project|Create a new project|
bind699-type4660=Build target|Create a new build target for the active project|
bind700-type4660=File|Create a new file|
bind701-type4660=Custom|Create a new custom something :-)|
bind702-type4660=From user template|Create a new project based on a previously saved user template|
bind703-type4660=Open|Open a file or project|Ctrl-O|
bind706-type4660=Clear history|Clear the recent projects list|
bind707-type4660=Dev-C++ project|Import an existing Dev-C++ project|
bind708-type4660=MS Visual C++ project|Import an existing MS Visual C++ project|
bind709-type4660=MS Visual C++ workspace|Import an existing MS Visual C++ workspace|
bind710-type4660=MS Visual Studio project|Import an existing MS Visual Studio project|
bind711-type4660=MS Visual Studio solution|Import an existing MS Visual Studio solution|
bind712-type4660=Save|Save the active file|Ctrl-S|
bind713-type4660=Save as...|Save the active file under a different name|
bind714-type4660=Save all files|Save all modified files|Ctrl-Shift-S|
bind715-type4660=Save project|Save active project|
bind716-type4660=Save project as...|Save active project under a different name|
bind717-type4660=Save all projects|Save all modified projects|
bind718-type4660=Save project as user-template|Keep this project as a user-template to base new projects on|
bind719-type4660=Open default workspace|Open the default workspace|
bind720-type4660=Save workspace|Save current workspace|
bind721-type4660=Save workspace as...|Save current workspace under a different name|
bind722-type4660=Close workspace|Close current workspace|
bind723-type4660=Close file|Close the active file|Ctrl-W|
bind724-type4660=Close all files|Close all open files|Ctrl-Shift-W|
bind725-type4660=Close project|Close active project|
bind726-type4660=Close all projects|Close all opened projects|
bind729-type4660=Quit|Exit Code::Blocks|Ctrl-Q|
bind732-type4660=Undo|Undo the last editing operation|Ctrl-Z|
bind733-type4660=Redo|Redo the last editing operation|Ctrl-Shift-Z|
bind734-type4660=Copy|Copy current line|
bind735-type4660=Cut|Cut current line|
bind736-type4660=Paste|Paste before current line|
bind737-type4660=Swap header/source|Swap between header and source file pair|F11|
bind738-type4660=Goto matching brace|Moves the caret to the matching brace (if any)|Ctrl-Shift-B|
bind739-type4660=Highlight mode|Switch highlighting mode for the active editor|
bind740-type4660=Plain text|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Plain text"|
bind742-type4660=Toggle bookmark|Toggle a bookmark for the current position|Ctrl-B|
bind743-type4660=Goto previous bookmark|Goto previous bookmark|Alt-PgUp|
bind744-type4660=Goto next bookmark|Goto next bookmark|Alt-PgDn|
bind746-type4660=Fold all|Fold all|
bind747-type4660=Unfold all|Unfold all|
bind748-type4660=Toggle all folds|Toggle all folds|Shift-F12|
bind749-type4660=Fold current block|Fold current block|
bind750-type4660=Unfold current block|Unfold current block|
bind751-type4660=Toggle current block|Toggle folding of current block|
bind752-type4660=End-of-line mode||
bind754-type4660=CR|End-of-line mode uses carriage return only|
bind755-type4660=LF|End-of-line mode uses line feed only|
bind756-type4660=File encoding||
bind757-type4660=System default|Use the system default encoding|
bind758-type4660=Save byte-order-mark (BOM)|Save the Unicode encoding in a BOM|
bind759-type4660=ASCII (ISO-8859-1)|Use the ISO-8859-1 character encoding|
bind760-type4660=UTF-7|Use the UTF-7 character encoding|
bind761-type4660=UTF-8|Use the UTF-8 character encoding|
bind762-type4660=Unicode default|Use the system default Unicode character encoding|
bind763-type4660=Native UTF-16|Use the native UTF-16 character encoding|
bind764-type4660=Native UTF-32|Use the native UTF-32 character encoding|
bind765-type4660=Unicode 16-bit big-endian|Use the Unicode 16-bit big-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind766-type4660=Unicode 16-bit little-endian|Use the Unicode 16-bit little-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind767-type4660=Unicode 32-bit big-endian|Use the Unicode 32-bit big-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind768-type4660=Unicode 32-bit little-endian|Use the Unicode 32-bit little-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind769-type4660=Special commands|Commands to edit more efficiently, should be bound to hotkeys|
bind771-type4660=Paragraph up|Move caret one paragraph up|
bind772-type4660=Paragraph up, extending selection|Move caret one paragraph up and extend the selection|
bind773-type4660=Paragraph down|Move caret one paragraph down|
bind774-type4660=Paragraph down, extending selection|Move caret one paragraph down while extend the selection|
bind775-type4660=Wordpart left|Move caret one wordpart to the left|
bind776-type4660=Wordpart left, extending selection|Move caret one wordpart to the left and extend the selection|
bind777-type4660=Wordpart right|Move caret one wordpart to the right|
bind778-type4660=Wordpart right, extending selection|Move caret one wordpart to the right and extend the selection|
bind780-type4660=In|Increase font size|
bind781-type4660=Out|Decrease font size|
bind782-type4660=Reset|Set default font size|
bind785-type4660=Delete|Delete current line|
bind786-type4660=Duplicate|Duplicate current line|
bind787-type4660=Transpose|Transpose current line with previous line|
bind791-type4660=Uppercase|Make selection uppercase|
bind792-type4660=Lowercase|Make selection lowercase|
bind793-type4660=Select all|Selects the entire text range|Ctrl-A|
bind794-type4660=Comment|Comments the selected block of code|
bind795-type4660=Uncomment|Uncomments the selected block of code|
bind796-type4660=Toggle comment|Toggles the commentation of the selected block of code|Alt-C|
bind797-type4660=Auto-complete|Auto-completes the word under the caret (nothing to do with code-completion plugins)|Ctrl-J|
bind798-type4660=Delete current|Delete current layout|
bind799-type4660=Save current|Save current layout|
bind801-type4660=Main|Show/hide main toolbar|
bind802-type4660=Manager|Show/hide manager|Shift-F2|
bind803-type4660=Open files list|Show/hide open files list|
bind804-type4660=Messages|Show/hide messages|F2|
bind805-type4660=Status bar|Show/hide status bar|
bind806-type4660=Script console|Show/hide the script console|
bind807-type4660=Focus editor|Set focus on the active editor|Ctrl-Alt-E|
bind808-type4660=FullScreen|Switch to FullScreen view|
bind809-type4660=Find...|Search for text|Ctrl-F|
bind810-type4660=Find in Files|Search for text|Ctrl-Shift-F|
bind811-type4660=Find next|Repeat the last search in the same direction|F3|
bind812-type4660=Find previous|Repeat the last search in the opposite direction|Shift-F3|
bind813-type4660=Replace|Find and replace text|Ctrl-R|
bind814-type4660=Replace in Files|Find and replace text|Ctrl-Shift-R|
bind815-type4660=Goto line...|Goto a specific line|Ctrl-G|
bind816-type4660=Environment|Change environment settings|
bind817-type4660=Global variables|Change global compiler variables|
bind818-type4660=Editor|Change editor's settings|
bind819-type4660=Compiler and debugger|Change compiler and debugger settings|
bind820-type4660=Manage plugins|Enable or disable plugins for the next session|
bind821-type4660=Scripting|Change scripting settings|
bind822-type4660=Tips|Tips on using Code::Blocks|
bind850-type4660=Recent projects|Open a recent project|
bind851-type4660=Recent files|Open a recent file|
bind852-type4660=Import project||
bind854-type4660=AngelScript|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "AngelScript"|
bind855-type4660=Batch|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Batch"|
bind856-type4660=C/C++|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "C/C++"|
bind857-type4660=CSS|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "CSS"|
bind858-type4660=D|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "D"|
bind859-type4660=Diff/Patch|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Diff/Patch"|
bind860-type4660=Fortran77|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Fortran77"|
bind861-type4660=GameMonkey script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "GameMonkey script"|
bind862-type4660=HTML|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "HTML"|
bind863-type4660=Hitachi asm|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Hitachi asm"|
bind864-type4660=LaTeX|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "LaTeX"|
bind865-type4660=Lua|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Lua"|
bind866-type4660=MASM Assembly|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "MASM Assembly"|
bind867-type4660=Make|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Make"|
bind868-type4660=Matlab|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Matlab"|
bind869-type4660=NSIS|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "NSIS"|
bind870-type4660=Ogre Compositor script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Ogre Compositor script"|
bind871-type4660=Ogre Material script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Ogre Material script"|
bind872-type4660=OpenGL Shading Language|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "OpenGL Shading Language"|
bind873-type4660=Perl|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Perl"|
bind875-type4660=Python|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Python"|
bind876-type4660=Squirrel|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Squirrel"|
bind877-type4660=Windows resource|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Windows resource"|
bind878-type4660=XBase|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "XBase"|
bind879-type4660=XML|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "XML"|
bind880-type4660=nVidia cg|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "nVidia cg"|
bind909-type4660=Complete code||Ctrl-SPACE|
bind910-type4660=Show call tip||Ctrl-Shift-SPACE|
bind911-type4660=Goto function...||Ctrl-Alt-G|
bind912-type4660=Symbols browser|Toggle displaying the symbols browser|
bind941-type4660=Code snippets|Toggle displaying the code snippets.|
desc=Our primary keyprofile
bind1035-type4660=Build|Build current project|F7|
bind1039-type4660=Build options|Set the project's build options|
bind1042-type4660=Compile current file|Compile current file|
bind1044-type4660=Rebuild|Rebuild current project|Shift-F7|
bind1047-type4660=Build workspace|Build all projects in workspace|
bind1048-type4660=Rebuild workspace|Rebuild all projects in workspace|
bind1049-type4660=Clean|Clean current project|Ctrl-F7|
bind1050-type4660=Clean workspace|Clean current project (dependencies too)|
bind1053-type4660=Build and run|Build and run current project|
bind1054-type4660=Run|Run current project|
bind1055-type4660=Abort|Abort the running build process|
bind1056-type4660=Select target...||
bind1057-type4660=Next error|Go to next compilation error|Alt-F2|
bind1058-type4660=Previous error|Go to previous compilation error|Alt-F1|
bind1059-type4660=Clear all errors|Clear all compilation errors|
bind1060-type4660=Export Makefile|Export Makefile so that you can build the program from the command line|
bind1105-type4660=Start|Run current project in debugger|Ctrl-F5|
bind1106-type4660=Run to cursor|Run program until it reaches the current line|F4|
bind1107-type4660=Next line|Execute the next line of code|F10|
bind1108-type4660=Step into|Execute the next line of code, but step inside functions|F11|
bind1109-type4660=Next instruction|Execute the next assembly instruction|Alt-F7|
bind1110-type4660=Step out|Continue execution until the current frame exits|Shift-F11|
bind1111-type4660=Stop debugger|Stop current debugging session|Shift-F5|
bind1112-type4660=Continue|Continue execution until next breakpoint or program exits|F5|
bind1113-type4660=Toggle breakpoint|Toggle breakpoint in current line|F9|
bind1114-type4660=Send user command to debugger|Sends a user-defined command to the debugger|
bind1115-type4660=Add symbol file|Adds symbols from another file|
bind1116-type4660=Disassembly|Disassembles the current stack frame|Alt-D|
bind1117-type4660=CPU Registers|Display the CPU registers|
bind1118-type4660=Watches|Watch variables|Alt-W|
bind1119-type4660=Call stack|Displays the current call stack|Alt-S|
bind1120-type4660=Running threads|Displays the currently running threads and allows switching between them|
bind1121-type4660=Examine memory|Displays the contents of a memory location|
bind1122-type4660=Breakpoints|Edit breakpoints|
bind1123-type4660=Edit watches...|Edit watches|
bind1124-type4660=Attach to process...|Attach to an external running process|
bind1125-type4660=Detach|Detach from running process|
bind1128-type4660=Current stack frame|Displays info about the current (selected) stack frame|
bind1129-type4660=Loaded libraries|List dynamically loaded libraries (DLL/SO)|
bind1130-type4660=Targets and files|Displays info on the targets and files being debugged|
bind1131-type4660=FPU status|Displays the status of the floating point unit|
bind1132-type4660=Signal handling|Displays how the debugger handles various signals|
bind1174-type4660=As HTML...|Exports the current file to HTML|
bind1175-type4660=As RTF...|Exports the current file to RTF|
bind1176-type4660=As ODT...|Exports the current file to ODT|
bind1177-type4660=As PDF...|Exports the current file to PDF|
bind121-type4660=Configure tools...|Add/remove user-defined tools|
bind1230-type4660=To-Do list|Toggle displaying the To-Do list|
bind1433-type4660=Configure wxSmith for current project||
bind1435-type4660=Source code formatter (AStyle)||
bind1436-type4660=Source code formatter (AStyle)||
bind1437-type4660=Autosave|Build target 'Autosave' in current project|
bind1438-type4660=BYO Games||
bind1439-type4660=BYO Games||
bind1440-type4660=Koders query||
bind1441-type4660=Koders query||
bind1442-type4660=Class wizard||
bind1443-type4660=Class wizard|Build target 'Class wizard' in current project|
bind1449-type4660=Code completion||
bind1451-type4660=Code completion||
bind1452-type4660=Code snippets||
bind1453-type4660=Code statistics||
bind1454-type4660=Code statistics||
bind1586-type4660=Copy Strings to clipboard||
bind1587-type4660=Copy Strings to clipboard||
bind1598-type4660=Debugging windows||
bind1601-type4660=Files extension handler||
bind1602-type4660=Dev-C++ DevPak updater/installer||
bind1603-type4660=Dev-C++ DevPak updater/installer||
bind1605-type4660=Environment variables||
bind1606-type4660=Source Exporter||
bind1607-type4660=Help plugin||
bind1608-type4660=Keyboard shortcuts||
bind1609-type4660=Library finder||
bind1610-type4660=Library finder||
bind1611-type4660=Code profiler||
bind1612-type4660=Code profiler||
bind1613-type4660=Regular expressions testbed||
bind1614-type4660=Regular expressions testbed||
bind1615-type4660=Scripted wizard||
bind1616-type4660=Symbol Table Plugin||
bind1617-type4660=Symbol Table Plugin||
bind1618-type4660=To-Do List||
bind1619-type4660=wxSmith - MIME plugin||
bind1620-type4660=Add wxPanel||
bind1621-type4660=Add wxFrame||
bind1622-type4660=Add wxDialog||
bind1624-type4660=Windows XP Look'n'Feel||
bind1625-type4660=Windows XP Look'n'Feel||
bind1626-type4660=Code::Blocks default|Switch to Code::Blocks default layout|
bind188-type4660=Add files...|Add files to the project|
bind189-type4660=Add files recursively...|Add files recursively to the project|
bind192-type4660=Remove files...|Remove files from the project|
bind196-type4660=Properties|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Properties"|
bind199-type4660=Goto file...||Alt-G|
bind200-type4660=Set programs' arguments...|Set execution parameters for the targets of this project|
bind201-type4660=Categorize by file types||
bind202-type4660=Display folders as on disk||
bind203-type4660=Edit file types & categories...||
bind204-type4660=Activate next project|Activate next project in open projects list|Alt-F6|
bind205-type4660=Activate prior project|Activate prior project in open projects list|Alt-F5|
bind206-type4660=Project tree||
bind207-type4660=Move project up|Move project up in project tree|Ctrl-Shift-UP|
bind208-type4660=Move project down|Move project down in project tree|Ctrl-Shift-DOWN|
bind5013-type4660=About...|About Code::Blocks|
bind696-type4660=New|Create a new project/file/target/other (wizard)|
bind697-type4660=Empty file|Quickly create a new empty file|Ctrl-Shift-N|
bind698-type4660=Project|Create a new project|
bind699-type4660=Build target|Create a new build target for the active project|
bind700-type4660=File|Create a new file|
bind701-type4660=Custom|Create a new custom something :-)|
bind702-type4660=From user template|Create a new project based on a previously saved user template|
bind703-type4660=Open|Open a file or project|Ctrl-O|
bind705-type4660=Clear history|Clear the recent files list|
bind706-type4660=Clear history|Clear the recent projects list|
bind707-type4660=Dev-C++ project|Import an existing Dev-C++ project|
bind708-type4660=MS Visual C++ project|Import an existing MS Visual C++ project|
bind709-type4660=MS Visual C++ workspace|Import an existing MS Visual C++ workspace|
bind710-type4660=MS Visual Studio project|Import an existing MS Visual Studio project|
bind711-type4660=MS Visual Studio solution|Import an existing MS Visual Studio solution|
bind712-type4660=Save|Save the active file|Ctrl-S|
bind713-type4660=Save as...|Save the active file under a different name|
bind714-type4660=Save all files|Save all modified files|Ctrl-Shift-S|
bind715-type4660=Save project|Save active project|
bind716-type4660=Save project as...|Save active project under a different name|
bind717-type4660=Save all projects|Save all modified projects|
bind718-type4660=Save project as user-template|Keep this project as a user-template to base new projects on|
bind719-type4660=Open default workspace|Open the default workspace|
bind720-type4660=Save workspace|Save current workspace|
bind721-type4660=Save workspace as...|Save current workspace under a different name|
bind722-type4660=Close workspace|Close current workspace|
bind723-type4660=Close file|Close the active file|Ctrl-F4|
bind724-type4660=Close all files|Close all open files|Ctrl-Shift-W|
bind725-type4660=Close project|Close active project|
bind726-type4660=Close all projects|Close all opened projects|
bind729-type4660=Quit|Exit Code::Blocks|Ctrl-Q|
bind732-type4660=Undo|Undo the last editing operation|Ctrl-Z|
bind733-type4660=Redo|Redo the last editing operation|Ctrl-Shift-Z|
bind734-type4660=Copy|Copy current line|
bind735-type4660=Cut|Cut current line|
bind736-type4660=Paste|Paste before current line|
bind737-type4660=Swap header/source|Swap between header and source file pair|Alt-O|
bind738-type4660=Goto matching brace|Moves the caret to the matching brace (if any)|Ctrl-Shift-B|
bind739-type4660=Highlight mode|Switch highlighting mode for the active editor|
bind740-type4660=Plain text|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Plain text"|
bind742-type4660=Toggle bookmark|Toggle a bookmark for the current position|Ctrl-B|
bind743-type4660=Goto previous bookmark|Goto previous bookmark|Ctrl-PgUp|
bind744-type4660=Goto next bookmark|Goto next bookmark|Ctrl-PgDn|
bind746-type4660=Fold all|Fold all|
bind747-type4660=Unfold all|Unfold all|
bind748-type4660=Toggle all folds|Toggle all folds|Shift-F12|
bind749-type4660=Fold current block|Fold current block|
bind750-type4660=Unfold current block|Unfold current block|
bind751-type4660=Toggle current block|Toggle folding of current block|
bind752-type4660=End-of-line mode||
bind753-type4660=CR & LF|End-of-line mode uses carriage return and line feed|
bind754-type4660=CR|End-of-line mode uses carriage return only|
bind755-type4660=LF|End-of-line mode uses line feed only|
bind756-type4660=File encoding||
bind757-type4660=System default|Use the system default encoding|
bind758-type4660=Save byte-order-mark (BOM)|Save the Unicode encoding in a BOM|
bind759-type4660=ASCII (ISO-8859-1)|Use the ISO-8859-1 character encoding|
bind760-type4660=UTF-7|Use the UTF-7 character encoding|
bind761-type4660=UTF-8|Use the UTF-8 character encoding|
bind762-type4660=Unicode default|Use the system default Unicode character encoding|
bind763-type4660=Native UTF-16|Use the native UTF-16 character encoding|
bind764-type4660=Native UTF-32|Use the native UTF-32 character encoding|
bind765-type4660=Unicode 16-bit big-endian|Use the Unicode 16-bit big-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind766-type4660=Unicode 16-bit little-endian|Use the Unicode 16-bit little-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind767-type4660=Unicode 32-bit big-endian|Use the Unicode 32-bit big-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind768-type4660=Unicode 32-bit little-endian|Use the Unicode 32-bit little-endian multi-byte encoding|
bind769-type4660=Special commands|Commands to edit more efficiently, should be bound to hotkeys|
bind771-type4660=Paragraph up|Move caret one paragraph up|
bind772-type4660=Paragraph up, extending selection|Move caret one paragraph up and extend the selection|
bind773-type4660=Paragraph down|Move caret one paragraph down|
bind774-type4660=Paragraph down, extending selection|Move caret one paragraph down while extend the selection|
bind775-type4660=Wordpart left|Move caret one wordpart to the left|
bind776-type4660=Wordpart left, extending selection|Move caret one wordpart to the left and extend the selection|
bind777-type4660=Wordpart right|Move caret one wordpart to the right|
bind778-type4660=Wordpart right, extending selection|Move caret one wordpart to the right and extend the selection|
bind780-type4660=In|Increase font size|
bind781-type4660=Out|Decrease font size|
bind782-type4660=Reset|Set default font size|
bind784-type4660=Cut|Cut current line|
bind785-type4660=Delete|Delete current line|
bind786-type4660=Duplicate|Duplicate current line|
bind787-type4660=Transpose|Transpose current line with previous line|
bind788-type4660=Copy|Copy current line|
bind789-type4660=Paste|Paste before current line|
bind791-type4660=Uppercase|Make selection uppercase|
bind792-type4660=Lowercase|Make selection lowercase|
bind793-type4660=Select all|Selects the entire text range|Ctrl-A|
bind794-type4660=Comment|Comments the selected block of code|
bind795-type4660=Uncomment|Uncomments the selected block of code|
bind796-type4660=Toggle comment|Toggles the commentation of the selected block of code|Alt-C|
bind797-type4660=Auto-complete|Auto-completes the word under the caret (nothing to do with code-completion plugins)|Ctrl-J|
bind798-type4660=Delete current|Delete current layout|
bind799-type4660=Save current|Save current layout|
bind801-type4660=Main|Show/hide main toolbar|
bind802-type4660=Manager|Show/hide manager|Shift-F2|
bind803-type4660=Open files list|Show/hide open files list|
bind804-type4660=Messages|Show/hide messages|F2|
bind805-type4660=Status bar|Show/hide status bar|
bind806-type4660=Script console|Show/hide the script console|
bind807-type4660=Focus editor|Set focus on the active editor|Ctrl-Alt-E|
bind808-type4660=FullScreen|Switch to FullScreen view|
bind809-type4660=Find...|Search for text|Ctrl-F|
bind810-type4660=Find in Files|Search for text|Ctrl-Shift-F|
bind811-type4660=Find next|Repeat the last search in the same direction|F3|
bind812-type4660=Find previous|Repeat the last search in the opposite direction|Shift-F3|
bind813-type4660=Replace|Find and replace text|Ctrl-R|
bind814-type4660=Replace in Files|Find and replace text|Ctrl-Shift-R|
bind815-type4660=Goto line...|Goto a specific line|Ctrl-G|
bind816-type4660=Environment|Change environment settings|
bind817-type4660=Global variables|Change global compiler variables|
bind818-type4660=Editor|Change editor's settings|
bind819-type4660=Compiler and debugger|Change compiler and debugger settings|
bind820-type4660=Manage plugins|Enable or disable plugins for the next session|
bind821-type4660=Scripting|Change scripting settings|
bind822-type4660=Tips|Tips on using Code::Blocks|
bind850-type4660=Recent projects|Open a recent project|
bind851-type4660=Recent files|Open a recent file|
bind852-type4660=Import project||
bind854-type4660=AngelScript|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "AngelScript"|
bind855-type4660=Batch|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Batch"|
bind856-type4660=C/C++|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "C/C++"|
bind857-type4660=CSS|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "CSS"|
bind858-type4660=D|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "D"|
bind859-type4660=Diff/Patch|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Diff/Patch"|
bind860-type4660=Fortran77|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Fortran77"|
bind861-type4660=GameMonkey script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "GameMonkey script"|
bind862-type4660=HTML|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "HTML"|
bind863-type4660=Hitachi asm|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Hitachi asm"|
bind864-type4660=LaTeX|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "LaTeX"|
bind865-type4660=Lua|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Lua"|
bind866-type4660=MASM Assembly|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "MASM Assembly"|
bind867-type4660=Make|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Make"|
bind868-type4660=Matlab|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Matlab"|
bind869-type4660=NSIS|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "NSIS"|
bind870-type4660=Ogre Compositor script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Ogre Compositor script"|
bind871-type4660=Ogre Material script|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Ogre Material script"|
bind872-type4660=OpenGL Shading Language|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "OpenGL Shading Language"|
bind873-type4660=Perl|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Perl"|
bind874-type4660=Properties|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Properties"|
bind875-type4660=Python|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Python"|
bind876-type4660=Squirrel|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Squirrel"|
bind877-type4660=Windows resource|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "Windows resource"|
bind878-type4660=XBase|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "XBase"|
bind879-type4660=XML|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "XML"|
bind880-type4660=nVidia cg|Switch highlighting mode for current document to "nVidia cg"|
bind909-type4660=Complete code||Ctrl-SPACE|
bind910-type4660=Show call tip||Ctrl-Shift-SPACE|
bind911-type4660=Goto function...||Ctrl-Alt-G|
bind912-type4660=Symbols browser|Toggle displaying the symbols browser|
bind941-type4660=Code snippets|Toggle displaying the code snippets.|
bind1627-type4660=Edit startup script|Press SHIFT while clicking this menu item to edit the assigned script in the editor|
bind1455-type4660=Debug|Build target 'Debug' in current project|
bind1456-type4660=Release|Build target 'Release' in current project|
pecan 2007-05-10 19:28

Search > Goto function... evidently belongs to some plugin.

Keybinder cannot reliably maintain a hot key for a transient plugin.