Bug #10104 2007-01-23 13:22


Linux: Bug in scroling editor-window with mulitple windows

This bug occurs In all codeblocks versions only under linux and not under windows. Tested with Suse 10.0. If a window e.g. message log window if over or under the source editor window, then it is only possible to scroll at the beginning but not to the end of the file. The scope of scrolling to the end is limited to the size of the editor window.

Close date
2007-02-03 14:43
Assigned to
mandrav 2007-01-24 14:41

I don't get it. Can you describe what's wrong, in more detail?

mariocupelli 2007-01-26 21:44

This bug is fixed in svn 3540.

artoj 2007-02-03 14:43

Closing as fixed. Thank you for your bug report.