SVN r11506
This is the complete list of members for cbDebuggerPlugin, including all inherited members.
AddBreakpoint(const wxString &filename, int line)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
AddDataBreakpoint(const wxString &dataExpression)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
AddWatch(const wxString &symbol)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
AttachToProcess(const wxString &pid)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
Backtrace enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
Break()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
BringCBToFront() | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
BuildMenu(wxMenuBar *menuBar) override | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
cbPlugin::BuildMenu(cb_optional wxMenuBar *menuBar) | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
BuildModuleMenu(const ModuleType type, wxMenu *menu, const FileTreeData *data=nullptr) override | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
cbPlugin::BuildModuleMenu(cb_optional const ModuleType type, cb_optional wxMenu *menu, cb_optional const FileTreeData *data=nullptr) | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
BuildToolBar(wxToolBar *toolBar) override | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
cbPlugin::BuildToolBar(cb_optional wxToolBar *toolBar) | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
CancelValueTooltip(CodeBlocksEvent &event) | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
CanDetach() const | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
cbDebuggerPlugin(const wxString &guiName, const wxString &settingsName) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
cbPlugin() | cbPlugin | |
CleanupWhenProjectClosed(cbProject *project)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | protectedpure virtual |
ClearActiveMarkFromAllEditors() | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
ClearLog() | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
CollapseWatch(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
CompilerFinished(bool compilerFailed, StartType startType) | cbDebuggerPlugin | inlineprotectedvirtual |
Continue()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
ConvertDirectory(wxString &str, wxString base=_T(""), bool relative=true)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | protectedpure virtual |
CPURegisters enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
CreateStatusField(cbStatusBar *statusBar) | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
Debug(bool breakOnEntry)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
DebugLog(const wxString &msg, Logger::level level=Logger::info) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
DebugWindows enum name | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
DeleteAllBreakpoints()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
DeleteBreakpoint(cb::shared_ptr< cbBreakpoint > breakpoint)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
DeleteWatch(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
DetachFromProcess()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
Disassembly enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
EditorLinesAddedOrRemoved(cbEditor *editor, int startline, int lines) | cbDebuggerPlugin | virtual |
EnableBreakpoint(cb::shared_ptr< cbBreakpoint > breakpoint, bool enable)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
EnsureBuildUpToDate(StartType startType) | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
ExamineMemory enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
ExpandWatch(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetActiveConfig() | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
GetActiveStackFrame() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetBreakpoint(int index)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetBreakpoint(int index) const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetBreakpointsCount() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetConfigurationGroup() const | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
GetConfigurationPanel(cb_optional wxWindow *parent) | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
GetConfigurationPriority() const | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
GetCurrentPosition(wxString &filename, int &line)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetDebuggee(wxString &pathToDebuggee, wxString &workingDirectory, ProjectBuildTarget *target) | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
GetEditorWordAtCaret(const wxPoint *mousePosition=NULL) | cbDebuggerPlugin | virtual |
GetExitCode() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetGUIName() const | cbDebuggerPlugin | inline |
GetIndexOfActiveConfig() const | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
GetProject()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | protectedpure virtual |
GetProjectConfigurationPanel(cb_optional wxWindow *parent, cb_optional cbProject *project) | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
GetSettingsName() const | cbDebuggerPlugin | inline |
GetStackFrame(int index) const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetStackFrameCount() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetThread(int index) const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetThreadsCount() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
GetToolBarPriority() | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
GetType() const | cbPlugin | inlinevirtual |
HasDebugLog() const | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
HasWatch(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
IsAttached() const | cbPlugin | inline |
IsAttachedToProcess() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
IsBusy() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
IsRunning() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
IsStopped() const =0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
LoadConfig(const ConfigManagerWrapper &config)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
Log(const wxString &msg, Logger::level level=Logger::info) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
m_ActiveConfig | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_guiName | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_IsAttached | cbPlugin | protected |
m_lastLineWasNormal | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_LogPageIndex | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_pCompiler | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_PreviousLayout | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_settingsName | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_StartType | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
m_Type | cbPlugin | protected |
m_WaitingCompilerToFinish | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
MarkAsStopped() | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
Next()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
NextInstruction()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
NotImplemented(const wxString &log) const | cbPlugin | protectedvirtual |
OnAttach() override | cbDebuggerPlugin | virtual |
OnAttachReal()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
OnCompilerFinished(CodeBlocksEvent &event) | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
OnConfigurationChange(bool isActive) | cbDebuggerPlugin | inlinevirtual |
OnEditorOpened(CodeBlocksEvent &event) | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
OnProjectActivated(CodeBlocksEvent &event) | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
OnProjectClosed(CodeBlocksEvent &event) | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
OnRelease(bool appShutDown) override | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
cbPlugin::OnRelease(cb_optional bool appShutDown) | cbPlugin | inlineprotectedvirtual |
OnReleaseReal(bool appShutDown)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
OnValueTooltip(const wxString &token, const wxRect &evalRect) | cbDebuggerPlugin | virtual |
OnWatchesContextMenu(wxMenu &menu, const cbWatch &watch, wxObject *property, int &disabledMenus) | cbDebuggerPlugin | inlinevirtual |
ProcessValueTooltip(CodeBlocksEvent &event) | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
RegisterValueTooltip() | cbDebuggerPlugin | private |
RequestUpdate(DebugWindows window)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
ResetProject()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | protectedpure virtual |
RunNixConsole(wxString &consoleTty) | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
RunToCursor(const wxString &filename, int line, const wxString &line_text)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SendCommand(const wxString &cmd, bool debugLog)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SetActiveConfig(int index) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
SetNextStatement(const wxString &filename, int line)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SetupLog(int normalIndex) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
SetupToolsMenu(wxMenu &menu)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SetWatchValue(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch, const wxString &value)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
ShiftBreakpoint(int index, int lines_to_shift)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
ShowLog(bool clear) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
ShowValueTooltip(int style) | cbDebuggerPlugin | virtual |
ShowWatchProperties(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
StartType enum name | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
StartTypeRun enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
StartTypeStepInto enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
StartTypeUnknown enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
Step()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
StepIntoInstruction()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
StepOut()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
Stop()=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SupportsFeature(cbDebuggerFeature::Flags flag)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SwitchToDebuggingLayout() | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
SwitchToFrame(int number)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SwitchToPreviousLayout() | cbDebuggerPlugin | protected |
SwitchToThread(int thread_number)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
SyncEditor(const wxString &filename, int line, bool setMarker=true) | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
SyncEditorResult enum name | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
SyncFileNotFound enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
SyncFileUnknown enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
SyncOk enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
Threads enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
ToolMenuEnabled() const | cbDebuggerPlugin | virtual |
UpdateBreakpoint(cb::shared_ptr< cbBreakpoint > breakpoint)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
UpdateWatch(cb::shared_ptr< cbWatch > watch)=0 | cbDebuggerPlugin | pure virtual |
WaitingCompilerToFinish() const | cbDebuggerPlugin | inlineprotected |
Watches enum value | cbDebuggerPlugin | |
~cbPlugin() override | cbPlugin |