SVN r11506
This is the complete list of members for cbAuiNotebook, including all inherited members.
AddPage(wxWindow *page, const wxString &caption, bool select=false, const wxBitmap &bitmap=wxNullBitmap) | cbAuiNotebook | |
wxAuiNotebook::AddPage(wxWindow *page, const wxString &text, bool select, int imageId) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
AdvanceSelection(bool forward=true) | cbAuiNotebook | |
AllowScrolling(bool allow=true) | cbAuiNotebook | static |
AssignImageList(wxImageList *imageList) | wxAuiNotebook | |
cbAuiNotebook(wxWindow *pParent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxAUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE) | cbAuiNotebook | |
ChangeSelection(size_t n) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
CheckKeyModifier() | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0) | wxAuiNotebook | |
Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxEmptyString) | wxAuiNotebook | |
DeleteAllPages() | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
DeletePage(size_t page) | cbAuiNotebook | virtual |
FindPage(const wxWindow *page) const | wxAuiNotebook | |
FocusActiveTabCtrl() | cbAuiNotebook | |
GetArtProvider() const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetCurrentPage() const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetCurrentPage() const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetHeightForPageHeight(int pageHeight) | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetImage(int iconIndex) const | wxAuiNotebook | protected |
GetImageList() const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetPage(size_t page_idx) const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetPage(size_t page) const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetPageBitmap(size_t page) const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetPageCount() const | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
GetPageImage(size_t nPage) const=0 | wxAuiNotebook | pure virtual |
GetPageIndex(wxWindow *page_wnd) const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetPagesInTabCtrl(std::vector< wxWindow *> &result, wxWindow *page) | cbAuiNotebook | |
GetPageText(size_t page) const | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
GetPageToolTip(size_t pageIdx) const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetSelection() const | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
GetTabCtrl(wxWindow *page) | cbAuiNotebook | |
GetTabCtrlHeight() const | wxAuiNotebook | |
GetTabIndexFromTooltip(const wxString &text) | cbAuiNotebook | |
GetTabPositionFromIndex(int index) | cbAuiNotebook | |
HasImageList() const | wxAuiNotebook | protected |
HitTest(const wxPoint &pt, long *flags=NULL) const | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
InsertPage(size_t page_idx, wxWindow *page, const wxString &caption, bool select=false, const wxBitmap &bitmap=wxNullBitmap) | cbAuiNotebook | |
wxAuiNotebook::InsertPage(size_t index, wxWindow *page, const wxString &text, bool select=false, int imageId=NO_IMAGE) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
InvertAdvanceDirection(bool invert=false) | cbAuiNotebook | static |
InvertMoveDirection(bool invert=false) | cbAuiNotebook | static |
IsFocusStored(wxWindow *page) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
LoadPerspective(const wxString &layout, bool mergeLayouts=false) | cbAuiNotebook | |
m_LastId | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
m_LastSelected | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
m_MinimizeFreeSpaceOnIdle | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
m_SetZoomOnIdle | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
m_TabCtrls | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
m_TabCtrlSize | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
MinimizeFreeSpace() | cbAuiNotebook | |
MinimizeFreeSpace(wxAuiTabCtrl *tabCtrl) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
MovePage(wxWindow *page, size_t new_idx) | cbAuiNotebook | |
NO_IMAGE enum value | wxAuiNotebook | |
OnDragDone(wxAuiNotebookEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnEnterTabCtrl(wxMouseEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnIdle(cb_unused wxIdleEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnLeaveTabCtrl(wxMouseEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnNavigationKeyNotebook(wxNavigationKeyEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnResize(wxSizeEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnTabCtrlDblClick(wxMouseEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
OnTabCtrlMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent &event) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
RemovePage(size_t page) | cbAuiNotebook | virtual |
ResetTabCtrlEvents() | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
RestoreFocus() | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
s_advanceDirection | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
s_AllowMousewheel | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
s_cbAuiNotebookArray | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
s_modKeys | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
s_modToAdvance | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
s_moveDirection | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
s_UseTabTooltips | cbAuiNotebook | protectedstatic |
SavePerspective(const wxString projectTitle=wxEmptyString) | cbAuiNotebook | |
SetArtProvider(wxAuiTabArt *art) | wxAuiNotebook | |
SetFont(const wxFont &font) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetMeasuringFont(const wxFont &font) | wxAuiNotebook | |
SetModKeys(wxString keys=_T("Strg")) | cbAuiNotebook | static |
SetNormalFont(const wxFont &font) | wxAuiNotebook | |
SetPageBitmap(size_t page, const wxBitmap &bitmap) | wxAuiNotebook | |
SetPageImage(size_t n, int imageId) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetPageSize(const wxSize &size) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetPageText(size_t page, const wxString &text) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetPageToolTip(size_t page, const wxString &text) | wxAuiNotebook | |
SetSelectedFont(const wxFont &font) | wxAuiNotebook | |
SetSelection(size_t new_page) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetTabCtrlHeight(int height) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetUniformBitmapSize(const wxSize &size) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
SetZoom(int zoom) | cbAuiNotebook | |
ShowWindowMenu() | wxAuiNotebook | |
Split(size_t page, int direction) | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |
StoreFocus() | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
UniqueIdFromTooltip(const wxString &text) | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
UpdateTabControlsArray() | cbAuiNotebook | protected |
UseModToAdvance(bool use=false) | cbAuiNotebook | static |
UseToolTips(bool use=true) | cbAuiNotebook | static |
wxAuiNotebook() | wxAuiNotebook | |
wxAuiNotebook(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxAUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE) | wxAuiNotebook | |
wxBookCtrlBase() | wxAuiNotebook | |
wxBookCtrlBase(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=0, const wxString &name=wxEmptyString) | wxAuiNotebook | |
wxWithImages() | wxAuiNotebook | |
~cbAuiNotebook() override | cbAuiNotebook | |
~wxWithImages() | wxAuiNotebook | virtual |