SVN r11506
This is the complete list of members for IncrementalListCtrl, including all inherited members.
AppendColumn(const wxString &heading, wxListColumnFormat format=wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, int width=-1) | wxListCtrl | |
Arrange(int flag=wxLIST_ALIGN_DEFAULT) | wxListCtrl | |
AssignImageList(wxImageList *imageList, int which) | wxListCtrl | |
ClearAll() | wxListCtrl | |
Create(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxLC_ICON, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxListCtrlNameStr) | wxListCtrl | |
DeleteAllItems() | wxListCtrl | |
DeleteColumn(int col) | wxListCtrl | |
DeleteItem(long item) | wxListCtrl | |
EditLabel(long item, wxClassInfo *textControlClass=wxCLASSINFO(wxTextCtrl)) | wxListCtrl | |
EnableAlternateRowColours(bool enable=true) | wxListCtrl | |
EnableBellOnNoMatch(bool on=true) | wxListCtrl | |
EndEditLabel(bool cancel) | wxListCtrl | |
EnsureVisible(long item) | wxListCtrl | |
FindItem(long start, const wxString &str, bool partial=false) | wxListCtrl | |
FindItem(long start, wxUIntPtr data) | wxListCtrl | |
FindItem(long start, const wxPoint &pt, int direction) | wxListCtrl | |
GetColumn(int col, wxListItem &item) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetColumnCount() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetColumnIndexFromOrder(int pos) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetColumnOrder(int col) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetColumnsOrder() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetColumnWidth(int col) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetCountPerPage() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetEditControl() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetImageList(int which) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItem(wxListItem &info) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemBackgroundColour(long item) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemCount() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemData(long item) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemFont(long item) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemPosition(long item, wxPoint &pos) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemRect(long item, wxRect &rect, int code=wxLIST_RECT_BOUNDS) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemSpacing() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemState(long item, long stateMask) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemText(long item, int col=0) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetItemTextColour(long item) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetNextItem(long item, int geometry=wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, int state=wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetSelectedItemCount() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetSubItemRect(long item, long subItem, wxRect &rect, int code=wxLIST_RECT_BOUNDS) const | wxListCtrl | |
GetTextColour() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetTopItem() const | wxListCtrl | |
GetViewRect() const | wxListCtrl | |
HitTest(const wxPoint &point, int &flags, long *ptrSubItem=NULL) const | wxListCtrl | |
IncrementalListCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID winid=wxID_ANY, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxLC_ICON, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxListCtrlNameStr) | IncrementalListCtrl | |
InReportView() const | wxListCtrl | |
InsertColumn(long col, const wxListItem &info) | wxListCtrl | |
InsertColumn(long col, const wxString &heading, int format=wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, int width=wxLIST_AUTOSIZE) | wxListCtrl | |
InsertItem(wxListItem &info) | wxListCtrl | |
InsertItem(long index, const wxString &label) | wxListCtrl | |
InsertItem(long index, int imageIndex) | wxListCtrl | |
InsertItem(long index, const wxString &label, int imageIndex) | wxListCtrl | |
IsVirtual() const | wxListCtrl | |
m_Iterator | IncrementalListCtrl | private |
OnGetItemAttr(long item) const | wxListCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetItemColumnAttr(long item, long column) const | wxListCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetItemColumnImage(long item, long column) const | wxListCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetItemImage(long item) const | wxListCtrl | protectedvirtual |
OnGetItemText(long item, long column) const override | IncrementalListCtrl | virtual |
RefreshItem(long item) | wxListCtrl | |
RefreshItems(long itemFrom, long itemTo) | wxListCtrl | |
ScrollList(int dx, int dy) | wxListCtrl | |
SetAlternateRowColour(const wxColour &colour) | wxListCtrl | |
SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour &col) | wxListCtrl | virtual |
SetColumn(int col, wxListItem &item) | wxListCtrl | |
SetColumnsOrder(const wxArrayInt &orders) | wxListCtrl | |
SetColumnWidth(int col, int width) | wxListCtrl | |
SetImageList(wxImageList *imageList, int which) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItem(wxListItem &info) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItem(long index, int column, const wxString &label, int imageId=-1) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemBackgroundColour(long item, const wxColour &col) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemColumnImage(long item, long column, int image) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemCount(long count) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemData(long item, long data) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemFont(long item, const wxFont &font) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemImage(long item, int image, int selImage=-1) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemPosition(long item, const wxPoint &pos) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemPtrData(long item, wxUIntPtr data) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemState(long item, long state, long stateMask) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemText(long item, const wxString &text) | wxListCtrl | |
SetItemTextColour(long item, const wxColour &col) | wxListCtrl | |
SetIterator(IncrementalSelectIterator *iterator) | IncrementalListCtrl | |
SetSingleStyle(long style, bool add=true) | wxListCtrl | |
SetTextColour(const wxColour &col) | wxListCtrl | |
SetWindowStyleFlag(long style) | wxListCtrl | |
SortItems(wxListCtrlCompare fnSortCallBack, wxIntPtr data) | wxListCtrl | |
wxListCtrl() | wxListCtrl | |
wxListCtrl(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos=wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize &size=wxDefaultSize, long style=wxLC_ICON, const wxValidator &validator=wxDefaultValidator, const wxString &name=wxListCtrlNameStr) | wxListCtrl | |
~wxListCtrl() | wxListCtrl | virtual |